Social Media and the Power to Effect Change

In this day and age, social media is definitely a force to be reckoned with.With a click of a button one can spread a message to the entire world. But how has this helped in making reforms and stirring the pot of change in our modern day society?

People were able to mobilise themselves for the Selma march without having the luxuries of  a WhatsApp group or a group on Facebook to discuss their protests and  today we still talk about the civil rights movement and its effect on history. Question then is are we using social media well and can it generate this change we desire???  Or is it that we are not as passionate about issues as such as our predecessors were before social media????

I attended an event on Social Media and its use and there were a number of key insights that were brought across. For me, the take home was the aspect of truly understanding how to use the various platforms related to social media. Fully understanding what platform is best suited for you to deliver your message and also knowing your target audience in respect to what you want to deliver is good information for to have. Ultimately it is about engagement- the connection between the deliverer of the message and the recipients.

We are truly blessed to live in an era where information can be shared in real time – then one would stop us from changing the world in a blink of an eye. We have so many tools to use but we need to know the what, the how and the when to ensure there is IMPACT.